Begin Your Journey

1:1 Online Therapy

Co-create a personalized plan and take advantage of regular check-ins to help you on your journey to becoming.

Copyrighted. Used with permission of the artist, Brian Kershisnik


Weekly Sessions

If you’re looking for guidance and support from a professional who takes the time to get to know you, consider scheduling on a regular basis. My therapy is focused on helping you navigate the ups and downs of life while gradually digging down to the deeper work of transformation and growth.

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$150/50 MIN sessions

Relational Online Therapy

Get professional help in reshaping and reinforcing connections to the people who matter most.

Copyrighted. Used with permission of the artist, Brian Kershisnik

Copyrighted. Used with permission of the artist, Brian Kershisnik


Weekly Sessions

If you’re looking for help getting a relationship stronger and better, back on track, or saving it, this is the option for you. I use Emotionally Focused Therapy for couples and families to help crack the code of the struggles and the intense feelings that shape the most important bonds in our lives.

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$250/80 MIN sessions

Women’s Online Support Group

Get support and wisdom from a community of women. Share at your own comfort level, and learn from others as they do their work in a group setting.

Copyrighted. Used with permission of the artist, Brian Kershisnik


Weekly Sessions

If you’re looking for a place you can talk about anything and feel understood, gently challenged, and cared about, this is a great community to join. Group is a great option for anyone looking to better understand themselves, improve relationships, and develop shame resilience. We use a combination of learning and emotional processing to help everyone grow and find deeper connection.

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$150/Mo for weekly 90 Min sessions · Try It for $10

MFT Supervision

Get support from a fellow MFT who’s a decade further down the road.

Copyrighted. Used with permission of the artist, Brian Kershisnik

Copyrighted. Used with permission of the artist, Brian Kershisnik


As Needed Sessions

If you need those supervision hours to get your license, but also want genuine support, challenge, and mentoring from a woman in the field, I’m happy to work with you. Let’s work on introducing you to your professional Self.

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$150/50 MIN sessions

‘A LA Carte’ Online SEssions

Not looking for a long term therapeutic relationship, but interested in a therapeutic experience every now and then? Explore my options for death meditations, guided meditations, or dreamwork, and skip the intake.

Copyrighted. Used with permission of the artist, Brian Kershisnik

Copyrighted. Used with permission of the artist, Brian Kershisnik


Death Meditation

Looking for a fresh start? Meditate your way through a death process and let the old ‘you’ go. Come out of your experience renewed and reborn. This can be a one-time experience, or an on-going practice.

Life is better when we’re good at dying.

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50 min · $150 · Inquire about group rates

Guided Visualization MeditaTion

Let me serve as a guide for your inner world via my intuitive work with images. This work involves a customized visualization experience that can start with spontaneous imagery from your dreams, nightmares, art, meditations, or other imaginative journeys.

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50 min · $150


Troubling dreams? Vivid or more-real-than-life dreams? Together, you and I can explore your dreamworld to connect with the Unconscious and give you access to a deeper source of knowing.

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50 min · $150